Dyslexia training should be mandatory for teachers

The Marlborough and District Dyslexia Association is pleased to support the British Dyslexia Association’s e-petition to encourage the Government to make dyslexia training a mandatory part of teacher training courses. If you feel as strongly as we do about this please follow the links below and support the e-petition.


Dyslexia training to be mandatory in Initial Teacher Training

Responsible department: Department for Education

The British Dyslexia Association proposes that Initial Teacher Training course providers should be required to deliver mandatory and consistent dyslexia awareness sessions. The mandatory minimum should be the existing Department of Education 2005 module; available to view at http://nso.archive.teachfind.com/node/175600 All teachers should be trained to understand dyslexia, its impact on learning and what constitutes dyslexia friendly practice. Teachers should be aware of when to signpost learners for assessment and when to provide appropriate intervention.
