Changes to our support services

We regret to announce that we are unable to continue to hold our monthly drop in sessions at Marlborough Library. We are still providing support for dyslexics (children or adults) parents, relatives and employers of dyslexics and teachers.

You can contact us on our dedicated helpline 07729 452 143 or by email from this website or email at

If you would like to talk to someone face to face you can make an appointment through our helpline and one of our volunteer specialist teachers will meet you at the library at a mutally convenient time.

At present we are re-organising and updating our loan resources which are kept at Marlborough Library. We are continuing to loan our resources in the usual way but if you would like help please ring the helpline or ask the library staff for assistance.

We can also meet you to show you our resources and how to take them out on loan.

Our collaboration with Wiltshire Dyslexia Association, Wiltshire Council SSEN Department and Wiltshire Parents and Carers Council has provided information and training to parents and teachers in Wiltshire and we are all committed to providing quality and accessible training locally.

This year the MDDA have held a successful evening at the library to raise awareness of the books and games that we have that can by used by schools, teachers, parents and home tutoring groups, a very popular cartooning workshop for children as well as lectures and workshops.

The MDDA’s programme for the next year will be published soon.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by our changes.

Any new members will be very welcome.

Susanne Harris (Helpline Officer)